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Craftsman Statement

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A System Is Only as Good as the Craftsman Implementing It


Green Umbrella craftsmen are contractors committed to meeting specifications and producing high-quality installations. Our craftsmen understand and are certified in the mechanical processes and treatment applications that create an architectural concrete floor. Our master craftsmen are ACI flatwork certified. All are committed to best practices and the success of the project.

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Increasing numbers of architects and design professionals suggest polished concrete to clients who want a low-maintenance and durable green flooring option. The challenge is finding a contractor who can consistently meet specifications and can be relied upon to produce a high-quality product. To meet that need, Green Umbrella has been instructing and training contractors in the Green Umbrella mechanical process and treatment applications to create architectural concrete floors.

When contractors complete our comprehensive training program successfully, we can confidently refer them to you.

Green Umbrella Certification Levels

Green Umbrella has three different levels of certification offered to meet your needs. Green Umbrella Applicator is trained and certified to use our concrete treatments for an earth-friendly concrete floor. An applicator applying our treatment may not have our equipment because it is not required to apply it.

The next level is a Green Umbrella Craftsman. In addition to using our concrete treatments, the craftsman uses our abrasive mechanical process and Green Umbrella propane-fueled equipment.

A Green Umbrella Master Craftsman combines concrete polishing skills with the ability to perform placement and flatwork on new concrete.


The Process for Abrasive Polishing

A Green Umbrella Craftsman supports the industry standard of The Green Polishing 9, the nine fundamentals that have several advantages. A green mechanical system includes processing the floor wet to avoid silicosis issues, which could endanger installers and future inhabitants by contaminating air ducts in the building. The GP9 process uses a progression of abrasive grits on a machine built for wet concrete processing. Using water and liquid abrasives enables a higher-quality cut. The wet grinding system has been well supported in the industry for the best finish to a floor. It keeps a project OSHA compliant, preventing the use of inadequate vacuum systems and violations of health safety standards often encountered when using other methods.

The Process for Integrally Troweled Floors

A Green Umbrella Master Craftsman uses best concrete practices to place and finish concrete. Possibly certified by standard organizations, such as the American Concrete Institute or American Society of Concrete Contractors, that provide both guides and certification to assure the craftsman is trained in procedures accepted in the industry.


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