Slurry Monster Recovery System

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Polished Concrete Done Right
Green Umbrella Equipment
Green Umbrella Process
Equipment Rental
slur·ry /ˈslərē/: A semiliquid mixture, typically of fine particles of cement suspended in water.
Cleaning up concrete slurry is messy. Before disposing of it, you are responsible for assuring it passes pH, PFTL, sulfur, and TCLP (metal, semi volatiles, and volatiles) tests. Failure to properly manage and dispose of slurry can be expensive for your company, damage the environment, and affect your brand’s reputation. The silica, cadmium, and other pollutants in concrete slurry affect the pH balance of waterways, creating a toxic environment. SlurryMonster™ products solve this problem by cutting the expense, labor, and environmental impact of containing, managing, and disposing of slurry in harmony with state and federal regulations.

Slurry Dehydrator
SlurryMonster Slurry Dehydrator is non-hazardous and super absorbent, used to absorb free water within the cement. Use for high pH wastewater.
This product is used to solidify slurry and ensure the slurry will be accepted by landfills that pass both the Paint Filter Test (PFLT) and the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure for Heavy Metals (TCLP.)
- Solidifies slurry immediately
- Reduces processing time
- Easy disposal
- Passes EPA testing for compliant landfill disposal
- Absorbs 200-300 times its weight
- Environmentally friendly

The SlurryVac is portable and tough. Designed with a coated steel drum, roll cage and drain plugs. We have both a 30 gal. and 55 gal. vacuum for every need.
The SlurryVac comes with different options depending on what you’re looking to accomplish with your slurry waste. Our vacs are truly customized and engineered to make the collection, disposal, and recirculation with chemicals easy.
No valve(s): this vac allows for the collection of slurry only.
One valve: allows for easy pump out of slurry into a berm or tote for disposal.
Two valves: easy pump in/pump out of slurry. Also, great if you plan on recirculating slurry.
Choose from three options: no valve, one valve, or two valves.
- Float Enclosure
- Roll Cage Protection
- Durable and Coated Steel Drum
- Powerful Suction
ZipPack Tote
This self-standing tote is an UN-rated bag that’s the only solution you’ll need for the containment of non-hazardous waste up to 3,000 lbs. Our ZipPack has a unique zipper top and wire insert allowing for easy set-up, and also making it compact compared to other totes.
- Patent-Pending self-standing tote
- UN Rated Glued in 6 mil liner for ultimate leak protection
- UV-coated, weather-resistant 3x3x3 – collapsibleThis tote comes with either a single or dual liner for added protection.

Tote Kits
Our SlurryPack Tote Kits are designed to be easy to use, mobile, and come with or without integrated lift straps for easier removal. Our patent-pending, self-standing collapsible totes save space in both your trailers and on the job site, while allowing you to get your job done with ease. The patent-pending zipper top closures stop cross-contamination and exposure. Designed for pump or dump-in and pump-out recycling kits. Best used with our WastePack Kit prior to disposal (not included.)
Kits come with:
- Stabilizer Mat
- WasteShield
- Polysheeting
- Protection Mat
- Track Mat
- Extra WasteShield Tape
- Drainet
- Filter
- ZipPack Tote
- Dumpster – for rental only
Dumpster Kits
Need a kit to help keep messes off the ground and out of the waterways, while also helping to dewater slurry at a workable pace?
Kits come with:
- WasteShield
- Track Mats
- Stabilizer Mat
- Protection Mat
- Dumpster Filter
- Collapsible Spill Tray
- Drainet
- Polysheeting
- WasteShield Tape
- Comes in 20YD, 30YD or 40YD Kits
- Dumpster – for rental only

- Kits and Systems: The difference between the two being the equipment and products. Kits come without equipment — Systems include equipment and kits to make it a true and complete solution. With systems and kits, you can choose or customize a solution for your slurry needs.
- Testing: When slurry is collected, it must be tested prior to landfill disposal. Landfills won’t accept slurry without the proper testing and certification. They take care of the testing, and the manifests that are required for proper hauling and disposal.
- Hauling: Hauling the waste can be time consuming, and difficult to manage. That’s why they offer hauling services of your waste as well. After the testing is completed and the manifest has been generated, ready to schedule disposal.
- Disposal: Partnered and entered into agreements with landfills Nationwide to manage and dispose of your slurry — giving you back time and effort you’d spend with that task.

Recycle, collect, test, haul, and dispose of slurry with minimal equipment and personnel.
Pumps, mixers, vacs, and dumpsters let operators easily collect, haul, and dispose of slurry.

Adopt slurry disposal techniques that promote sustainable construction. Dispose of hazardous materials safely, protect against on-site job spills, dewater, and recycle slurry on the job site.

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CALL US AT (844) 200-7336
20 Jetview Drive
Rochester, NY 14624
M-F: 9am – 5pm