Green Umbrella

Treatments statement


The concrete canvas, the color, and the treatment must be cohesive.


Our concrete treatments work together and promote Green Umbrella’s product mission to reduce labor, downtime, and environmental impact. Our key concrete formulations are non-sodium and do not generate hazardous waste. Our flagship treatments are 100% reactive, non-resinous polymers, and pH neutral when possible. Much of this is accomplished using a family of formulations unique to the industry.

Spec for success. A systems approach to concrete treatments leads to consistent performance and treatments that work together to produce excellent results. This type of approach is especially advantageous when introducing color to concrete.

The Green Umbrella line of densifiers is insoluble and does not contribute to alkali-silica reaction (ASR). Because Green Umbrella treatments are pH neutral, they provide a barrier in resisting surface colorant walk-off. Green Umbrella has iron oxides, dyes, and micro-pigments designed for indoor or outdoor use where UV stability must be considered.



PH Neutral Concrete Solutions

PH Neutral/

Non-Resinous Polymer/
